How to Prepare for a Detox in 7 steps! 

Detox, most people think… HELL NO! I can’t eat anything good, it’s so restrictive, ain’t no body got time for that! Well, I am human and yes I have those thoughts too. However I know preparation is key and I want to share with you how I prepare for Arbonne’s 30 Days to Healthy Living,…

Are Supplements A Scam?

Are supplements a scam?  Short answer… Yes, and no! Before you think, “well that didn’t answer my question, this lady is no help!” Hear, or I guess read, me out.  Yes, supplements CAN be a scam. There is literally a supplement for everything you can think of. The companies that market these supplements will use…

How To Travel On A Budget & Still Eat Healthy

Last week we thought it would be an awesome idea to travel 780 miles to Manhattan, KS with a two year old! Although we were headed for my brother-in-law’s graduation from K-State (shout out to Tony for completing his MBA in business and graduating Magna Kum laude!) and we were excited to celebrate Tony, I…

Hello Vegas!- GTC 2016

Saturday of GTC, has ultimately changed the course of my business, and undoubtedly brought me out of the most difficult and painful time I have ever experienced.